Rather than continue to evaluate and measure employee engagement, which is often gamified and therefore a hollow indicator of the ‘real’ culture in a particular team or organisation, our mission is to build a Humanity Index for teams and organisations whereby the degree to which the human needs are being met, relates to a Humanity Index ranking.

We intend to capture data from employees around the world and across different sectors to start to see patterns in terms of how much our fundamental human needs are being met in today’s organisations.

The hypothesis is that the more a team, organisation or school, through its leadership, meets humanity’s fundamental needs, the higher the level of engagement, productivity, learning and performance, as well as a higher level of well-being and social value that the organisation or school brings to their communities and the wider world.

As a taster to the kind of questions we ask, and as a means of capturing initial data, today we can offer you a free self-survey to assess the level at which your human needs are currently being met.

To try out our Human Needs self-survey, and find out your results, please click here.

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